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EdbMails Data Recovery

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EdbMails Data Recovery

Most exchange veterans who’ve had to deal with any sort of anomalies in the exchange database would recognize EdbMails – the pioneer recovery platform for all things exchange recovery, be it exchange database corruption or shutdown errors.

EdbMails has recently released an update to its data recovery tool, let’s have a look at what it brings to the table :

The deep scanning algorithm that EdbMails uses has been further enhanced to give a quicker and more responsive recovery experience than before.

User interface changes to make the recovery process more seamless and rather straightforward so that even non technical users may find it easy to use.

Some of the highlights of EdbMails EDB to PST Converter include :

Simple interface : Exporting offline exchange mailboxes to PST is as easy as it gets with just a few clicks thanks to EdbMails’s simple user interface.

Recovery everything from EDB file : Repair and recover mailboxes and public folders, including emails, contacts, pictures, folders, tasks, notes, arrangements, attachments, diaries and calendars.

Recover accidentally deleted mailboxes

Extensive filtering options like To :, From :, Subject, Date, Time, and so forth.

Dirty shutdown and JET engine error fixes.

EdbMails for Exchange Server Recovery Features:

Supports data recovery of mailboxes from MS Exchange Server 2003/2007/2010/2013 and 2016 databases.

Non English Unicode file support

Maintains the folder structure intact and doesn’t alter the contents of original exchange database in any manner.

For more info and download please go ahead visit the official EdbMails site:
01 Jul 2019

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